Saturday, April 11, 2009

I've gotten a Hippeastrum plant as a gift?

What sort of things do I need to know? General maintenance and care, how long do they live, that sort of thing.

I%26#039;ve gotten a Hippeastrum plant as a gift?
The bulbs should be planted in autumn in a mix of equal parts Irish moss peat and perlite or grit, leaving one-third of the bulb showing.

Place the pot in a warm position at an average temperature of about 21°C (70°F), to promote strong root growth. A shelf over a radiator is ideal.

Feeding should start as soon as a shoot develops and be continued weekly until flowering is over.

Once the bulbs are in growth, move them to a well-lit and ventilated position away from draughts. Hippeastrums will continue flowering for longer in cool rooms at about 16°C (60°F).

Water plants as required, usually once or twice a week during winter and spring, more frequently during summer. Spray leaves with mist during the summer to increase the humidity.

Support developing shoots once they reach 30cm (1ft) by tying them to canes.

Once the hippeastrum has flowered, cut off the flower stems at the bulb%26#039;s base but allow the foliage to keep growing for as long as possible. This ensures that the bulb will produce plenty of flowers next year. Once the foliage starts to die back, remove it and store the bulb somewhere cool, dark and dry for six to eight weeks to rest.
Reply:Hippeastrum %26quot;translated is %26quot;Horse Star%26quot; Once it flowers and they have faded, cut the seed head off and let it grow on for another month. Stop watering it and then turn it on its side and store it in a well insulated area, for about 6-8 months. In the late summer or early fall collect it and put the pot back up and water and using diluted fertiliser let it grow on. You will see the leaves starting to grow and might even flower before the leaves get too tall

puppy teeth

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